Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Binary Code

+ sign is equal to a 1
- sign is equal to a 0

How is school going?

Regular binary:

My Binary Code:
-++-+----++-++++-+++-+++--+------++-+--+- +++--++--+------+++--++-++---++-++-+----++-++++-++-++++-++-++----+------++--+++-++-++++-++-+--+-++-+++--++--+++--++++++


  1. I thoroughly enjoy your representation of the binary code. We have similar tactics when displaying our codes. Instead of numbers and letters we both decided to use symbols. I think I was able to understand your symbol so well because we had the same view on how to go about this assignment, Is there a reasoning behind your choosing of + and - to represent one and zero or did you pick at random?

    1. Thank you! I randomly chose my symbols. I liked the + and - signs the best so I chose to use those ones.

  2. I think your representation of the binary code is quite easy and simple to understand. I think that it is interesting how you used + and - to represent the 1 and 0 because + and - I always think of going together. I enjoyed how you put those two specific symbols together. I also have a question like Brianne's. Did you pick your symbols at random?

    1. Thank you! I did in fact choose my symbols at random. I liked how the went together too like you said so I thought they would be a good combination.

  3. I like your new binary system because it is simple. I also thought of a simple code with symbols which I think is easier and more efficient. It is easy to understand rather than other people's who did letters or more confusing symbols. Why did you decide to
    use these symbols?

    1. Thank you! I actually chose my symbols randomly. I liked the way they looked together so I decided to use them.

  4. I like your binary code. It is simple and easy to interpret. I also used symbols for my code. Were your symbols supposed to represent an addition and subtraction sign?

    1. Thank you! They were supposed to represent an addition and subtraction sign.

  5. I like your new binary code! It's really easy to understand and I liked how you substituted the 0 and 1 for -,+. My binary code is quite similar to yours as well. Was there any reason for you to use plus and minus symbols or was it at random?

  6. Thank you! No, there isn't really any reason I chose to put these two together. I chose them randomly and I liked the way they looked together.

  7. I like the symbols you used for you binary as they were simple and easy to distinguish from each other. I think ours are similar because it seems that you made you binary as simple as possible. Is that the case?
