Thursday, December 18, 2014

Link 1

try it out scratch

reflection 3

One debugging strategy I used was trial and error. I would tell someone else to use the same strategy because eventually you will find out what the problem is.

reflection 2

It makes me learn how to uses certain blocks with other blocks. However it's very hard because you can't do everything you want to do. It made the ideas of what to do very minimal.

reflection 1

I thought it was surprising that the sprites did exactly what it was told. I thought that there were going to be difficulties. I liked being led step-by-step because it taught me how to work scratch right. I like having more structure when I first start out but I like it to decrease once I get the hang of it which is when I like to have more freedom. I feel the most creative when I can do whatever I want to make.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Week 1 reflection

During week 1, I had some struggles with trying to make the sprites do what I wanted them to do. But eventually I figured out that I had to do trial and error with everything including making your own scratch and debugging.

Debug 1.5

First I moved the "repeat 3 times" block below the "when green flag is clicked" block. Then, I put the "play sound 'meow'" block underneath and lastly, I put the "say Meow, meow, meow for 2 secs" block.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

debug 1.4

To debug 1.4, I removed the "if on edge, bounce" block and added two motion blocks. the first one came before the "move 10 steps" and it was "glide 1 secs to x:-184 y:59" and the other one came after and was "glide 1 secs to x:191 y:46".

Debug it 1.3

To debug 1.3, I changed all the degrees to 15.

Debug it 1.2

To debug 1.2, I clicked on sprite 1 which was the cat and added a motion block. The block was "glide 1 secs to x:-189 y:41"

Debug 1.1

To debug it I clicked on the Gobo sprite and then added an event block which was the "when the green flag is clicked" block.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Moving Scratch

I had a hard time during this challenge until I started to get the hang of it. I didn't know how make the sprites go back to where they started so that they can repeatedly glide and move.

Ten Block Challenge

I really enjoyed doing this challenge. I liked that it was harder to create the scratch because it made me have to think harder and be more creative.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Friday, November 7, 2014

HTML Intro Blog Post

3 Things I want to learn:
-how to change the background color
-how to add pictures
-how to add links

2 things I learned:
-that there needs to be something outside of your text to make it work.
-you can write multiple things if you have a <h(whatever number you are on) 

1 thing I am concerned about making a webpage:
-I am concerned it being boring because I don't know how to add colors and links. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Other Binary Code

The binary code I liked the most out of the blog posts I looked at was Julia Pustizzi's. I liked how she used the *'s as 1's and the #'s as 0's. I thought that it was easy to follow and I liked the symbols she chose.


This is the code that she wrote in binary and it is "Hello friend".

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Why do computers use Binary?

What I learned:
-headphones work from using the binary system also.
-to tell voltage the only numbers you use are 0-9
-if voltage is high, then the headphones will have a lot of pressure coming out.

What I don't understand:
-how can the adder get the wrong number if it doesn't come at a specific time?
-how does cutting the range help get the right number for the adder?

Something I'd like to know more about:
-How do computers produce voltages?

Binary Game

1. On the game, I got to level 4.

2. The hardest part of the binary game for me was the big numbers like the ones in the two hundreds and trying to figure out which cards needed a one and which cards needed a zero.

3.No, I do not like using binary system to count with.

4. A way to count on the figners could be thumb=1, pointer finger=2, middle foinger=4, ring finger=8, pinky finger=16.

5. It's easier for the computer to understand and process things. The binary system is the reason why a computer works so well.

My Binary Code

+ sign is equal to a 1
- sign is equal to a 0

How is school going?

Regular binary:

My Binary Code:
-++-+----++-++++-+++-+++--+------++-+--+- +++--++--+------+++--++-++---++-++-+----++-++++-++-++++-++-++----+------++--+++-++-++++-++-+--+-++-+++--++--+++--++++++

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Blog Post #7: Google Boys

1. Google clarified and cleared up the clutter on the internet which is how it turned from a two man operation into a profitable large corporation. More people wanted to use it as it became more popular. Two college students did this together and Google was released in 1998.

2. People are starting to make other search engines so even though they're still on top, they always have to keep in the back of their mind that there's always competition. Finding computers to run the programs were hard. The machines that ran existing search engines were very expensive.

3. They make money off of the internet and find things on the internet. They also have the fastest search engine.

4. To find their information, Google created Googlebot which is a program that searches the world wide web all the time to find all of the links created on the internet so that you can use any of them when you search a subject.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Blog post #8: Eliza

1. I don't think that Eliza is human-like. She doesn't understand what you're saying and when you try to start a conversation with her, she tries to bring up another subject.

2. I would make her be able to understand what I'm trying to say to her instead of her trying to always flip the subject.

3. I don't expect it to have emotions because it is a computer. I think that it should be able to hold out a conversation with you and it doesn't necessarily have to have emotions.

4. I don't know if I can see a computer being a human-like substitute. I don't know if it's possible for a computer to hold out a conversation with me and not get confused at some point during the conversation. I wouldn't be surprised if it could but I also wouldn't be surprised if it couldn't.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Choose your Own Culture Information

Pre-Colombian Pyramids:

  • Pyramid-temples, platforms, arcaded halls, palaces, and other buildings had shown understandings of complex math and astronomy. 
  • Great achievements in astronomy, math, and architecture happened in the Classic period.
  • Mayans believed that sacred places should be located near or in places or power. 
  •  First a pile of rubble would be built up to provide bulk, which would then be encased in a stone facing which would hold the rubble in place.
  • Used a technique called corbelling for building arches. The blocks in this technique were frequently shaved off to form triangles. 
  • Xicalcoliuhqui pattern was used in architecture, clothing, make up, and art. 
  • The El Castillo pyramid is located in Chichen Itza. The solar calendar is based off of how many stairs are on this pyramid which is 365. 
  • The Temple of the Inscription is in Palenque. This is Pacal-Kin's tomb and in 1952 there were a lot of priceless treasures found in the tomb. 
  • Tikal is one of the largest Mayan cities that have been found. It is located in Guatemala and is surrounded by the rainforest. 

Choice of Software/Design


Make your own design beadloom

This is a wagon that I designed.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Native American Beadwork

1. Native American Beadwork is well known for its beauty.
2. A key concept we will be using in this lesson is math.
3. This design type is based on Four Fold Symmetry.
4. The left side is identical to the right side which makes it reflection symmetry.
5. Embroidery(Plains Indians), Shoshone Beadwork, Pawnee Buffalo hide drum, and Navajo Rug.
6. Reflection Symmetry has a shape top to bottom but has a different shape left to right.
7. A teepee is made of four base parts.
8. It is used in healing ceremonies. One example is that it heals through the balance of forces.
9. The Cartesian coordinate system is one way in showing and using Four Fold Symmetry.
10. The Cartesian coordinate system is shown in a bea loom.
11. Before the Europeans arrived.
12. It was used to record messages and historic events.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Most of the time I communicate with others electronically. I like to communicate by texting most of the time because its quick and easy. It's easier to respond to and it's convenient. Although texting is an easy way to communicate, I think that it is better to talk in person. You can show more emotions that way and get deeper into a conversation. I'll admit that I text more than I probably should, but I'm not on social media that often. My friends are always on twitter, instagram, or snapchatting which I don't do that much.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Reflection

I liked this activity. I thought that is was a fun way to find different websites and pictures. I was good at finding things on the actual websites. I could improve on using more specific searches and to use better websites.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Project Partner Reflection Blog post #2

Overall, my partner and I have gotten along very well. I like to work with him because we do our equal share of work. He is easy to work with.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hello my name is Taylor Perillo and I am at Sophomore at RMHS. I am a cheerleader and a softball player here at the high school. I live with my mom and my dad and I have a younger brother in the 8th grade. My favorite movie is The Little Mermaid  and Fault In Our Stars by John Green is my favorite book. My favorite TV shows are Finding Carter, Awkward, and Faking it. When I go to college, I'd love to study at either Boston College or Northeastern University to hopefully become a nurse one day.