Thursday, December 18, 2014

Link 1

try it out scratch

reflection 3

One debugging strategy I used was trial and error. I would tell someone else to use the same strategy because eventually you will find out what the problem is.

reflection 2

It makes me learn how to uses certain blocks with other blocks. However it's very hard because you can't do everything you want to do. It made the ideas of what to do very minimal.

reflection 1

I thought it was surprising that the sprites did exactly what it was told. I thought that there were going to be difficulties. I liked being led step-by-step because it taught me how to work scratch right. I like having more structure when I first start out but I like it to decrease once I get the hang of it which is when I like to have more freedom. I feel the most creative when I can do whatever I want to make.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Week 1 reflection

During week 1, I had some struggles with trying to make the sprites do what I wanted them to do. But eventually I figured out that I had to do trial and error with everything including making your own scratch and debugging.

Debug 1.5

First I moved the "repeat 3 times" block below the "when green flag is clicked" block. Then, I put the "play sound 'meow'" block underneath and lastly, I put the "say Meow, meow, meow for 2 secs" block.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

debug 1.4

To debug 1.4, I removed the "if on edge, bounce" block and added two motion blocks. the first one came before the "move 10 steps" and it was "glide 1 secs to x:-184 y:59" and the other one came after and was "glide 1 secs to x:191 y:46".

Debug it 1.3

To debug 1.3, I changed all the degrees to 15.

Debug it 1.2

To debug 1.2, I clicked on sprite 1 which was the cat and added a motion block. The block was "glide 1 secs to x:-189 y:41"

Debug 1.1

To debug it I clicked on the Gobo sprite and then added an event block which was the "when the green flag is clicked" block.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Moving Scratch

I had a hard time during this challenge until I started to get the hang of it. I didn't know how make the sprites go back to where they started so that they can repeatedly glide and move.

Ten Block Challenge

I really enjoyed doing this challenge. I liked that it was harder to create the scratch because it made me have to think harder and be more creative.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014